Born and raised in Chicago’s suburbs, Jeremy’s curiosity of the world around him started young. Getting a taste of the workforce at the ripe age of 14, he’s always worked hard to forge fulfilling relationships in the professional world. Jeremy cemented his path in sales when he started his sneaker resell business with a partner that entailed conventions, prospecting, sales, and – most importantly – follow up. Jeremy also helped clients find the right shoe for them based on their wants and needs which meant he hunted the “resell” market for just the right shoe. Now Jeremy has taken that up a couple notches…in October of 2017 Jeremy traveled down to Florida with real estate in his crosshairs.
Jeremy got to Florida with no time to waste! Finishing his pre-licensure course in just a matter of 6 days and testing not long after – at the age of 18 – Jeremy jumped into the real estate world with the ink on his license still drying, head first.
Jeremy’s first target was the Palm Beach Gardens area. After learning as much as he can, he refocused his time and efforts not only on the West Palm Beach area, but also learning from his mentor and boss Tom Davis since becoming apart of the Tom Davis Group.
Jeremy’s biggest role models and mentors in his life are his immigrant parents that taught him 3 key things in life: work hard, work honestly, and don’t be afraid to talk.
Because of this, Jeremy takes pride in being able to connect with people through conversation as well as his ability to find out and understand what their needs and wants are. He also takes pride in his “pit bull tenacity.” When he finds the right house for his clients…he’ll bite down and won’t let go until he knows he can put the keys to that house in his client’s hand!